Nov 16, 2015

Welcome -From Geetha Darshan

"Welcome,"My dear Arjuna, welcome "

"I am happy you have chosen to listen/read to me. This itself is a turning point in your life. Hereafter you find everywhere and in everything a divine purpose. Nothing is unholy. Nothing is ugly. Nothing is fearful. Everybody is indeed divine. If you are weak, you feel miserable. If you are afraid, everything will frighten you. If you try to run away, you will have to be running away always from pillar to post, from post to pillar. Face; face everything and everybody with strength, with courage, with conviction. Be bold and be fearless."
" why do you try to run away from the battles of life, problems of life? They are unavoidable and the truth is they alone make life. It is pleasure to face them, it is pleasure to fight them, it is pleasure to solve them, it is pleasure to witness them. It is pleasure to play the game of life — its ups and downs."

 Arjuna is a Pandava skilled in archery. He is all enthusiasm to kill the enemies, to remove the hurdles, to solve the problems. But unfortunately on the battlefield, like in the examination hall, at the threshold of life, he suddenly became weak and feeble, feverish and despondent. He did not want to fight. He wanted to avoid the battle. He appeared to be an escapist in the name of kindness and concern for others. So, Sri Krishna asks him to be strong and bold and face the life.

All the Upanishads are the cows, the son of the cowherd is the milker, Partha is the calf, men of purified intellect are the drinkers and the supreme nectar Gita is the milk.

Sri Krishna is Parthasarathi (the charioteer) to guide Partha or Arjuna. He is the guide to the whole mankind. His guidance is godly and it is in the form of Gita, Bhagvadgita. It is the essence of all Upanishads which are like the cow. And its milk is the Gita. Sri Krishna gives that milk to the calf- like Arjuna. Let us enjoy that nectar to become successful always, to see success in failures as well, to play the game of life peacefully and to enjoy it always not only as a part of it but as a master of it. Let us be the spectators of the game while playing it skilfully, with strength and courage.

This Bhagavadgita is a part of the epic Mahabharata the author of which is Sage Vyasa. Lord Vinanyaka took it down while the sage was dictating it and made it eternal for the benefit of humanity.

Arjuna submits himself to Sri Krishna as a disciple. And Sri Krishna sings the song celestial, the Bhagvadgita to dispel everybody's ignorance, to enlighten all.

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