Jan 10, 2010

Do you overwork? Time to get organized

By siliconindia news bureau
Saturday,09 January 2010, 20:27 hrs

Though, some people get good salaries for the work they do, most of times they don't get enough time or energy for a life outside workplace. "If you feel you are overworked, the first thing to do is identify if you are actually being given too much work or if you are just disorganised,"
Some signs like leaving the office last, working late every night or going to office every weekend that shows that a person is overworking. "Every time I finish one pile of folders, there is another pile on my desk with a note asking me to finish it before I leave. It is so frustrating to have to work every weekend," says Lata Bangera, a 24-year-old Chartered Accountant.

Maintaining a record on the days on which you are asked to stay back late at work can show how often you are being asked to do too much work. "Make a list of the assignments you have been working on and how long they have taken you. This will help you when you plan to take up the issue with higher authorities,"
Talking to your boss can also help to make him understand the amount of work you have been doing. "Bring it up in casual conversation and give them time to think about it. If this doesn't work, talk to your boss frankly but politely. Don't get emotional or lose your cool. You will only make matters worse,"

Some companies may exploit its employees and ask them to do more work and not hire new staff to handle the extra work. "Many companies load additional work on existing employees instead of hiring new staff. This way one person ends up doing many people's work without a hike in pay,"


Pulkit said...

good thought s

Gg said...

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